What Are The Brand Awareness Metrics? Why Are They Important?

What Are The Brand Awareness Metrics Why Are They Important

What is Brand Awareness?

Your company’s brand awareness is how prospective consumers identify and remember it. You and your business will go nowhere if you don’t have it. Despite how many digital platforms you utilize to build your online presence.

When faced with a variety of options. Customers are more likely to choose a service from a brand they are familiar with. Brand recognition and awareness are critical indicators of the sustainability of your brand and the effectiveness of your campaign. As a result, keeping track of brand awareness measures is critical.

Brand Awareness Metrics

Metrics for brand awareness are crucial for evaluating your advertising campaigns. They determine whether your effort is producing the expected result. 

You can use this information to determine whether a brand strategy should be updated and, if so, what changes should be made.

What Are Some Brand Awareness Metrics You Can Use to Measure the Results of Your Campaigns?

Engagement Rate on Social Media Platforms

Engagement rate is one of the brand awareness metrics that help you identify the number of engagements likes, comments, shares, reactions, and much more. It shows how actively the users are interacting and indulging in your content.

Social media engagement is important because it gives you an insight into how people feel about your brand, if the engagement rate is high (average 1.64% and 3.48%) it would mean that the audience is building their trust in your brand but if the engagement rate is low (0% and 1.64%) then you need to change your strategy and tactics, in order to attract more audience and have a higher engagement rate, which would automatically result in more sales of your services and products.

The engagement rate is a measure that is frequently used to assess the effectiveness of brand initiatives. Usually, it so happens that your brand has more engagement rate than non-followers.

Feedbacks From Customers

Have you ever heard of the saying that goes “customers are always right”? Recognizing how people feel about your brand is crucial to enhancing and tweaking your marketing approach. 

You might have seen ads on various platforms on social media or brand websites or even in your mail sometimes. Wherein they provide you with a questionnaire about how you feel about that certain brand. 

Let’s take the example of the offline mode. After the billing in a cafe, you are provided with a feedback form. Which covers all the aspects, like did you like the ambiance, suggestions, and everything, the same way things are operated in the digital world. They provide you with a feedback form that helps them understand your needs better and how they can improve themselves as a brand. 

This personalized customer data can assist you in making changes that will benefit your organization and its intended audience and develop brand affinity.

Brand Impressions

Impression counts reveal how many times your campaign’s material has been accessed on any digital platform. Brand impression plays a huge role in brand awareness metrics and cannot be neglected.

No matter how good you think your brand is doing. It is always important to keep a check on your brand impressions because it lets you know how high or how low your brand campaign’s visibility is. It lets you know if your target market is actually being targeted or if people from different age groups and regions are more engaged in your content. Higher the impressions, higher the chances of success, lower the impressions, you need to start adopting different techniques. 

You might not really be able to read the audience’s mind and understand what they think about a brand. But as long as you get higher brand impressions, the visibility of your brand will be increasing.

Traffic on Websites or Social Media Handles

The algorithm is a very crucial thing and to understand it you need to start experimenting. When you start posting content the traffic tracker lets you know it all. From what time is best suitable for your post (by analyzing the audience’s response rate ie. at what time your website is getting the most traffic) to how they are finding your website (directly through search or ads or social media platforms).

By adopting this metric you can have a sorted schedule, knowing when to publish the content. The amount of traffic to your website is important for tracking customer behavior and assessing whether your information is beneficial. 

A balanced amount of visits from each location is advantageous. Well-balanced quality content with clear messaging and calls to action will promote participation from all of your sources.


It’s fantastic to come up with keyword ideas. But if you’re not looking at the correct metrics, you won’t get anywhere.

You need to understand the importance of using the right keywords or else you won’t be able to create well-established brand awareness. This measure is generated from Google’s Keyword Planner. Which serves as a foundation for determining the popularity of a specific search query. Know what the audience would probably enter so that your brand is displayed, be more oriented in this field, and research properly.

After using the tools, You may use the information to create a well-informed marketing plan that boosts brand recognition and recall.

Brand Mentions

A lot of sites and bloggers understand the need of mentioning the brands. Because it benefits both them and the brand. The brand benefits because it helps the audience understand whether it’s trustworthy or not.

Keep a track of these mentions so it lets you understand who is being attracted to that content and product of ours. And what can be changed in order to target the people who are not highly engaging? An enhanced brand reference can indicate that your company is becoming more well-known.

It also helps you understand whether the traffic is organic or referral. To get started, you’ll need some knowledge and the necessary equipment.

Why Are Brand Awareness Metrics Important?

  • In terms of purchasing, You’ll get a lot of information about who’s purchasing and how often they’re purchasing, as well as how much they’re paying. Examine the target audiences that aren’t being reached and consider how you may start closing the deal with more purchases.
  • In terms of brand association, It is critical to have data on brand associations because it can aid in the direction of your marketing. You’ll be able to create advertisements that concentrate on something more favorable. Such as your product performance or its reasonable price range.
  • In terms of brand consideration, To learn more about brand consideration, we provide questionnaire participants with a list of brands and ask who would probably buy or use them. This information can be used to identify if your brand campaigns need to be refocused somewhat to offer any of your target audiences an extra push.