Top 10 SEO Tips to Rank Higher on SERP in 2022

Top 10 SEO Tips to Rank Higher on SERP in 2022

Are you running an online business or website? Want to grow? Then ranking on top of the SERP is your priority. For that, SEO is the method that boosts your site rapidly on the search result. Still, the fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization are not easy tasks. Besides, continuous updates in Google algorithms make the job more difficult. Records say the algorithm changes 500-600 times each year. So it is impossible to figure out all the updates in Google SERPS. Thus, it is better to follow the most common SEO trends.

But after a lot of research by our team, we found that most of the SEO’s know the common SEO practices, thus we researched more in-depth of recent SEO tactics and found these 10 practices that can help you rank higher on SERP.

  1. Prioritize mobile users
  2. Optimize Your existing content & use only high-quality content over quantity
  3. Website Speed
  4. Only Quality backlink
  5. Gether Positive reviews
  6. Google Business Profile (GMB earlier)
  7. Recreate Blog Posts as Videos.
  8. Use schema markup
  9. Pay Attention to User Experience
  10. The most important (Know Your Niche) Do An Industry Study.

Read the guide about Top 10 SEO Tips to Rank Higher on SERP in 2022.

1 ) Prioritize mobile users

In 2021, global mobile users will reach 7.1 billion counts. The report says the number will be 7.26 million in 2022. Did you know, 60% of online searches are conducted by mobile. A popular site (semrush) already declared: till 2025 approx 73% of online users search through their mobile.

That means mobile-friendly sites get higher chances to rank on SERP results.
So you should prioritize mobile users more seriously. For that, you can create your site with specific qualities like

Prioritize mobile users for SEO
  • Responsive design
  • Simple and Easy to find CTA’s (call to action)
  • Straightforward mobile navigation and others.

Every optimization focuses on user experience, conversion rate, and spending time of average users. Indeed, a mobile-friendly site fulfills the above requirements effectively.

2) Optimize Your existing content & use only high-quality content over quantity

Quality over quantity is a golden rule for every business. So nothing is different online. Content is information or data that fulfills users’ demands after searching for a quarry. Remember, content tells google bot what your site is about. So headings, titles, keywords, word phrases, alt texts, etc. are things that reflect your SERP position. 

Besides, Optimizing the existing & using high-quality content is also very important these days. Indeed, 4.4 million blog posts are published each day on the web. Thus, the quality of your information matters more than quantity.

Keep in mind, high quality or SEO-optimized content boosts SERP visibility for your business. It will organically drive massive traffic to your site if keywords are well researched.

3) Website Speed

Noone likes delays for results. 3s is the standard Industry time for a website speed. So keep your site optimized by compressing its weight or files (HTML, CSS, java, etc.). The Report says images take 21 percent of your total webpages weight. It means large images can slow down the site speed.

Website Speed Optimization

Most importantly, Google can penalize sites that take too long to load. Besides, you have 8 seconds to keep users’ attention on your site. If pages take too much time, visitors will click back and are less likely to return to your site.

Backlinks are crucial for SEO. It tells Google that other authoritative sites approve your content. So the information is high quality, engaging, and valuable enough for users. However, quality and relatable backlinks are more important. It will boost the EAT ( Expertise – Authoritativeness – Trustworthiness) factor in your site ranking.

In 2021, the competition is already at its peak. So it is vital to boost your site authority more efficiently than others. So be focused on:-

  • Relative and quality backlinks
  • Anchor text
  • Plan for guest blogging
  • Pick sites according to DA/PA
  • Avoid spammy links
  • Share your content in online forums
  • And last but not least, Don’t buy links

5) Gether Positive Reviews

Does google count reviews for ranking? The answer is YES. Indeed, these methods effectively work for local SEO. If you run a small business and want to rank in your local search, plan to gather positive reviews.
People’s opinions about your product & services help make quick decisions for new or existing consumers.

6) Google Business Profile (GMB Earlier)

GMB is your online store to manage, analyze and monitor your local business. You can make changes on store maps, search intent, product listing, and many others. Besides, you can customize your contact details, links, open and closing times, etc. All this data works to boost your product and services in local online stores.

7) Recreate Blog Posts as Videos.

These Days users engage more with visual content. That’s why youtube is the second largest scratch engine worldwide. Bloggers include videos in certain blog pòsts. It helps to boost the content in SERP.

Indeed, visual content keeps users’ attention, reduces bounce rate, and increases conversion. In short, recreating blog posts as videos is another SERP ranking factor in 2022.

8) Use schema markup

What’s your website info? How should you tell google bots? Use Schema markup ( It is structured data for search engines. A unique language that helps to understand your content and web insights better.

That’s how Google can identify the relevance of your site according to a specific niche. So Optimizing the semantic vocabulary of tags helps push your site up on the SERP result.

9) Pay Attention to User Experience (UX)

SEO is a game of optimizing sites to boost users’ experience. Indeed, google picks the top sites with the most relevant answer to a query. As a webmaster, you should optimize the content, web page, CTAs, images, and others as per search engine need.

All that customization boosts visitors’ attention, encourages them to scroll, and keeps them stay on your site. Suppose you get positive signals in google analytics against users’ experience. Then your site may be ranked within a short period.

10) The Most Important (Know Your Niche) Do An Industry Study.

Niche is your starting line in the race of online business. Without a specific domain, you can’t reach the goal. So take your time to pursue in-depth research on a niche. Besides, you should be aware of the industry study. It means what other people do and don’t. It will help you plan potent strategies to rank higher on SERP in 2022.


So above are the Top 10 SEO Tips to Rank Higher on SERP in 2022. You should understand the importance of user experience for a website. Besides, choosing a niche is also the first thing you should check. SEO fundamentals vary on certain things that are visible. So monitor those factors and check your site performance to improve.