Digital Marketing Services Provider


As a Local SEO services provider company, we offer you benefits that assist with producing more leads.

What is Local SEO?

Local search engine optimization (SEO) is the way toward making your organization apparent for geologically related searches, explicitly inside Google’s Local Pack (or map listings). 

Local SEO services help your organization:

  • Increment its local online visibility
  • Outclass its local rivals
  • Produce more organic traffic to your site
  • Increment leads and deals from inside a particular service region

An effective local SEO campaign is basic for any home assistance business and commercial contractors equally looking to drive leads and deals from local clients.

Consider Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) like the current generation’s telephone directory! While the calls you get from newspaper advertisements and the Yellow Pages are diminishing (or non-existent), local SEO assists you with creating more calls and online contact structures from your site.

In case you’re similar to most project workers, you wear numerous caps. Between running the organization, managing everyday issues, and as yet attempting to set aside a few minutes for your family, there’s simply very little spare energy left by the day’s end. Nonetheless, as search engines update their local search ranking elements, it’s significant you educate yourself so you don’t fall behind the opposition. We can help you!

Why Do You Need Local Seo?

Our local SEO campaign directors will utilize their expertise, industry experience, and a large number of local SEO (search engine optimization) tools to comprehend your organization from a local business point of view.

We then, at that point examine your cutthroat competition scene, catch precise standard data about the results of your present marketing procedures, assess your site and local online presence, and plan a local SEO methodology to build your site traffic and leads.

local SEO services

Advantages of employing an SEO organization for local SEO administrations:

  • Local SEO increments online visibility and localized for local purchasers – 97% of individuals go online to discover local administrations, and 95% of them will not go past the first page of the search results. Local Search Engine Optimization attempts to expand your page rankings, thusly expanding your online visibility.
  • It expands web traffic, leads, and deals from local guests – If you’re a local organization, getting web visits and leads from clients in an alternate city, state, or nation will do nothing to construct your business. With Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you can increment the traffic from purchasers in your particular help regions, which means you’ll get a higher visit-to-deal rate.
  • Local SEO gives more designated geographic campaigns – Modern buyers anticipate hyper-customized online experiences. With local SEO, you can target missions to tiny, localized gatherings of individuals.
  • It makes you stand apart from your rivals Fewer than half of organizations at present utilize local SEO services. How that affects you is a major potential for success to excel and stand apart in directories, maps, local searches, and online media.

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Take your business to the next level

How Does Blueberry IT Solutions Help You in Local SEO?

If you want to develop your business, then let Blueberry IT Solutions make your business apparent to clients on the web. In case you are an entrepreneur and have a couple of business areas you need to advertise, our Local SEO administrations will help you support your local business presence on the web. As a Local SEO company, we offer you benefits that assist with producing transformations.

Our Local SEO Services incorporate –

  • Inside and out the investigation of your administration region, including contender examination
  • Region-based, watchword research
  • Neighborhood link building and listing
  • Streamlining your google my business page

At Blueberry IT Solutions, we realize that each business is special and unique – which implies each business has various objectives, an alternate crowd, and an alternate financial plan.

We’re thoroughly fine with that, and truth be told, we needed to figure out how to make it simpler for each business to get what they need from a local SEO campaign. That is the reason we allow you the opportunity to re-plan your local SEO plan dependent on your objectives and number of business areas.

We Can Help Your Business Increase its Local Appearance in Numerouce Way, These Include


  • Finishing a market examination of your administration regions.
  • Discovering nearby contenders, Which are outclassing you right now on the web for your administration.
  • Investigate search terms, month-to-month search volumes, and more in your market.


  • Review references across all applicable online catalogs.
  • Altering all nearby references to incorporate the right name-address-phone number (NAP references).
  • Making new references.
  • Finding more neighborhood reference openings.
  • Overseeing and observing nearby postings.


  • Performing ceaseless catchphrase examination to discover what and how your clients are looking for your administration.
  • Distributing privately designated site content that further develops your nearby hunt rankings and gives a consistent client experience.
  • Adding microdata to your site (composition markup) to further develop your neighborhood professional references, make nearby audits more noticeable on query item pages, and increment your neighborhood rank.
  • Upgrading presentation pages consistently.


  • Improving your organization’s Google My Business page for your work locale and telephone number.
  • Guaranteeing your Google Maps posting.
  • Upgrading your Google My Business page for backlinks.
  • Increasing your business hours and administrations on Google My Business.


  • Checking your catchphrase rankings, natural traffic, calls, and leads.
  • Observe the watchwords rankings of your rivals.
  • Observing your best three nearby contenders.


  • Introducing and observing progressed Google Analytics following.
  • Setting up and observing followed telephone lines for your missions.
  • Giving definite reports on what our administrations are meaning for your business generally.

Local SEO Services, Packages & Plans


Up to 10 Keywords

Green Check PNG10 Keywords
Green Check PNGAnchor, Title Tag, Header Tag Optimization
Green Check PNGExisting Content Optimization
Green Check PNGRobots.txt Creation & Analysis
Green Check PNGXML Sitemap Creation & Analysis
Green Check PNGMeta Tag Optimization (10 Pages)
Green Check PNGGeo-Targeting (via GWT & Code)
Green Check PNGGoogle Places (G+ Local) Listings
Green Check PNGQ/A Postings (3)
Green Check PNGBusiness Listings (3)
Green Check PNGClassified Submission (5)


Up to 15 Keywords

Green Check PNG15 Keywords
Green Check PNGAnchor, Title Tag, Header Tag Optimization
Green Check PNGExisting Content Optimization
Green Check PNGFooter & Header Optimization
Green Check PNGRobots.txt Creation & Analysis
Green Check PNGXML Sitemap Creation & Analysis
Green Check PNGSchema Implementation for Logo & Reviews
Green Check PNGMeta Tag Optimization (15 Pages)
Green Check PNGGeo-Targeting (via GWT & Code)
Green Check PNGGoogle Places (G+ Local) Listings
Green Check PNGLocal Page Creation on Website
Green Check PNGIncrease Your Brand with Videos, Photos, and more
Green Check PNGQ/A Postings (4)
Green Check PNGBusiness Listings (4)
Green Check PNGClassified Submission (10)
Green Check PNGArticle Writing & Submission (2)
Green Check PNGPositive Review & Rating Submissions


Up to 20 Keywords

Green Check PNG20 Keywords
Green Check PNGAnchor, Title Tag, Header Tag Optimization
Green Check PNGExisting Content Optimization
Green Check PNGFooter & Header Optimization
Green Check PNGRobots.txt Creation & Analysis
Green Check PNGXML Sitemap Creation & Analysis
Green Check PNGSchema Implementation for Logo & Reviews
Green Check PNGMeta Tag Optimization (20 Pages)
Green Check PNGGeo-Targeting (via GWT & Code)
Green Check PNGGoogle Places (G+ Local) Listings
Green Check PNGLocal Page Creation on Website
Green Check PNGIncrease Your Brand with Videos, Photos, and more
Green Check PNGQ/A Postings (6)
Green Check PNGBusiness Listings (5)
Green Check PNGClassified Submission (15)
Green Check PNGArticle Writing & Submission (3)
Green Check PNGPositive Review & Rating Submissions